Unifor files Unfair Labour Practice complaint against Bell Canada

May 27, 2019

To:       All Bell-related Locals across Canada


Sisters and Brothers,

Today, Unifor has filed an Unfair Labour Practice complaint against Bell Canada for their failure to disclose the scope of the Wireless to the Home project during Bell Craft bargaining in 2017, and again during BTS bargaining in 2018 where the tripartite agreement covering residential installation work was also renegotiated. 

Additionally, in the complaint, we have also raised how the entire project was contracted out as pay back for the union exercising our legal right to represent our members in a way that Bell Canada was not appreciative of (this according to Declan Brady, Senior Vice President of Operations, Bell). 

In the coming weeks and months members can expect a series of escalating actions aimed at repatriating this work for members of Unifor. 

Please continue to support your bargaining committees, local representatives and your national union as we fight for this work and the end to erosion in all of our bargaining units. 

Please visit our website at Bellrealtalk.ca for the latest updates. 


In solidarity, 

Chris MacDonald                                             John Caluori

Assistant to the National President                Assistant to the Quebec Director



cc: National Representatives Servicing Bell Locals

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Unifor files Unfair Labour Practice complaint against Bell Canada
Unifor files Unfair Labour Practice complaint against Bell Canada